Recent Books Read (last 10 years or so)

This doesn't count re-reads of earlier books. Books either not yet released or not yet read are this color

Note that this doesn't include books I've read from before that that include but not limited to the following authors (with help from Wikipedia's SciFi Authors page ;-) :

Douglas Adams, Brian Aldis, Kingsley Amis, Kevin J Anderson, Poul Anderson, Piers Anthony, Isaac Asimov, Robert Asprin, JG Ballard, Elizabeth Bear, Alfred Bester, James Blish, Anthony Boucher, Ray Bradbury, Marion Zimmer Bradley David Brin, Jack Chalker, CJ Cherrryh, Arthur C Clark, L Sprague de Camp, Lester del Rey, Samuel R Delaney, Philip K. Dick, Gordon R Dickson Thomas M. Disch, Stephen R Donaldson, David Drake, Harlan Ellison, Philip Jose Farmer, Eric Flint, Alan Dean Foster, James E Gunn, Jack C Haldeman, Brian Herbert, Robert Heinlein, James P Hogan, L Ron Hubbard, Aldus Huxley, Robert Jordan, Dean R Koontz, Cyril M Kornbluth, Tom Kratman, Keith Laumer, Ursula Le Guin, Fritz Leiber, Murry Leinster, Doris Lessing, George RR Martin, Anne McCaffrey, Andre Norton, H Beam Piper, Frederik Pohl, Jerry Pournelle, Philip Pullman, Spider Robinson, Fred Saberhagen, Robert Silverberg, Clifford D Simak, 'Doc' E E Smith, Bruce Sterling, Vernor Vinge, Kurt Vonnegut Jr, A E Van Vogt, K D Wentworth, Jack Williamson, Gene Wolfe, Roger Zelazny

Taylor Anderson

Neal Asher

Margaret Atwood

Paulo Bacigalupi

Iain Banks

Aliette de Bodard

Jim Butcher

Orson Scott Card

John Connolly / Jennifer Ridyard

James SA Corey (Daniel Abraham, Ty Franck)

Larry Correia

Daniel C Dennett

Cory Doctorow

Neil Gaiman

Charles E Gannon

William Gibson

Max Gladstone

Simon Green

Lev Grossman

Peter F Hamilton

Kim Harrison

Jim C Hines

Matthew Hughes

N. K. Jemison

Kel Kade

Richard Kadrey

Sara King

Stephen King

Nancy Kress

Derek Kunsken

Ann Leckie

Yoon Ha Lee

Arkady Martine


Cixin Liu

Elizabeth Moon

Richard K Morgan

Terry Pratchett

Hannu Rajaniemi

David Reiss

Alastair Reynolds

Kat Richardson

Ransom Riggs

John Ringo

Jamie Sawyer - avoid at all costs!

John Scalzi

James H. Schmitz (w/Eric Flint, Dave Freer, Mercedes Lackey)

Neal Stephenson

Charles Stross

Dennis E Taylor

Adrian Tchaikovsky


David Weber

Andy Weir

Martha Wells

David J Williams

WJ Williams

Connie Willis

Jonathan Wood

Timothy Zahn

Joe Zieja